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Committed to Championing Sheffield Hallam’s Voice


I will be perfectly honest with you. I will never campaign on fear or the failures of other parties. Right now, more than ever this country needs hope and a push for sensible policies, not soundbites. Well thought out middle grounds, not unrealistic promises. 


Born and raised in Sheffield, I have always been deeply connected to our city’s vibrant spirit and resilient community. From an early age, I've witnessed the transformative impact of the European Union’s support on Sheffield.


Working with both of our esteemed universities, I saw first-hand how EU funding spurred innovation and development across educational and research sectors, directly benefiting our students and broader community.


The impact of EU investment has been profound, with nearly £150 million directly benefiting Sheffield and nearly 1 billion euros allocated to the wider Yorkshire and Humber region. This funding was instrumental in projects like the Peace Gardens and the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), as well as in the regeneration of derelict sites and community initiatives such as Southey and Owlerton Area Regeneration (SOAR) and the Zest community centre.


The cost of living crisis has hit South Yorkshire particularly hard. The financial stability and growth we experienced while part of the EU starkly contrast with the challenges we face today. This underscores the need for a return to policies that harness the benefits of close cooperation with the EU.


The restrictions on the UK music touring scene have had a devastating effect, particularly in Sheffield, one of the UK’s music capitals. Beyond my professional life, I have been actively involved in the Sheffield music scene for many years, understanding first-hand the critical importance of freedom of movement for musicians. This situation underscores the need for policies that support the arts and allow cultural exchange to flourish. 


These experiences reinforced my belief in shared values such as the importance of family, robust public services, and national pride—principles that resonate deeply within our own community. I am running to represent Sheffield Hallam to ensure that these values continue to guide us, advocating for policies that draw us closer to our European allies. I believe wholeheartedly that we are stronger together, better together. As your candidate, I pledge to strive for unity and collaboration, bringing Sheffield’s voice to the forefront of a prosperous and inclusive future with the EU.


Empowering Change Through Unity

Brexit’s breaking Britain: did you vote for this?


Brexit is broken and it’s breaking our country as well. All the promises that Leave campaigners made to voters in 2016 are now being exposed as fantasy. Far from reducing red tape and bureaucracy and giving the NHS £350m a week, Brexit is damaging the economy by making trading with continental Europe more difficult and costly and threatening funding for public services. 

Brexit has stripped British and EU citizens of free-movement rights and caused huge worry and uncertainty, brought back fees such as mobile-roaming charges, led to labour, fuel and food shortages, put Northern Ireland peace at risk and reduced the UK’s global political influence.


The Rejoin EU Party believes the only realistic and effective solution to the unacceptable, unsustainable situation caused by Brexit is to re-join the EU as soon as possible, ideally by proceeding directly to an application to trigger Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union – with or without a referendum, depending on the political and economic circumstances at the time. If the party was elected or found itself holding the balance of power, its first act would be to talk to the European Commission about the potential conditions and timing of a possible re-entry to the EU and to finalise such a process before triggering A49 as soon as possible.


In the meantime, the party would seek to re-join the single market and customs union and take up the commission immediately on any outstanding and reasonable offers on matters such as free movement that the UK rejected as part of the UK/EU trade deal. It would immediately halt any planned further UK legislative divergence from EU law to make re-accession as smooth and quick as possible. It would seek to re-join EU programmes and initiatives that don’t require EU membership, such as student exchange scheme Erasmus and the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention cross-border trade agreement.


It would also launch a programme of domestic constitutional reform, including introducing a fairer and more representative electoral system, to bring the UK more into line with EU and international democratic norms and best practice.

If you agree Brexit is making our country poorer, less tolerant and less safe, support the Rejoin EU Party and tell Westminster you want your EU membership back, with all its freedoms and benefits.

We need your help.

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How to Vote

Don't forget! There are new rules on voting in the UK General Election!
DALL·E 2024-06-07 15.47.16 - A realistic depiction of a voting box, prominently displaying
DALL·E 2024-06-07 16.02.20 - A close-up image of a white placard with the text 'Click here
DALL·E 2024-06-07 15.51.51 - A realistic depiction of a ballot box adorned with an EU flag
DALL·E 2024-06-07 16.08.31 - A straightforward image of a Union Jack flag next to a simple

Sam Chapman

- Candidate for Sheffield Hallam -


Promoted by Sam Chapman on behalf of

The Rejoin EU Party,

86-90 Paul Street, London EC2A 4NE

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